Research Study

Growing Up with a Nanny or Housekeeper

A research study that will uncover the experiences of now-adult children who grew up in homes that regularly employed nannies or housekeepers. By sharing your experience, therapists will be able to learn what is needed to deliver the highest level of care to people within or from these complex family systems.

Eligibility Requirements

  • You are capable of participating in an at home study (access to mail or email)
  • You are 18 or older
  • You self-identify as White
  • You self-determine your upbringing to be one that was affluent, privileged, or upper/upper-middle class
  • Your family employed a nanny or housekeeper for > 2 years when you were between the ages of 3 and 12

Portrait of Happy Mother and Child

Study Details

Study participants will complete a sequence of three questionnaires

The questionnaires can be done at home and will take an average of 30 minutes to complete

The first questionnaire is in an open-ended format and will take ~30-45 minutes to complete

The second and third questionnaires will be composed of scaled questions (picking a number that indicates agreement or disagreement with the question) and will take ~20 minutes to complete

After completing all three questionnaires, answers will be returned back to participants to provide an opportunity for previous answers to be changed or amended


Participation is voluntary. A participant may withdraw from the study at any point without question or repercussion. In thanks for their time, participants will have the option of designating $5 to one of three outlined charities for each completed survey.


There is a potential risk of loss of confidentiality in all email, downloading, and internet transactions.All personal identifiers and information will be kept anonymous throughout the study and data will be stored in an encrypted and secure location

If you are interested in participating or you have further questions, please email the study coordinator at